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Industry Roundtables

Neythri Roundtables* enable groups of senior executives in the same industry or functional area to meet and exchange insights. Roundtables are an unparalleled opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and explore emerging trends that will shape the future of an industry or function. Roundtables allow members to gain expert knowledge, expand their network, shape the future, inspire and be inspired.

*Open to Leadership & Founding Circle members only

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Our pilot Corporate Board, Go-to-Market, Healthcare & Social Impact roundtables were launched in 2023 and our members have found these roundtables to be of strong value.


“Neythri’s Board Roundtable provides a forum to connect with a remarkable community of senior professionals and seasoned board members. This unique network not only expanded my knowledge but also provided a safe forum for discussions on current and relevant topics such as the use of AI, cyber security, and the socio-political environment and innovative ways in which board members can help management teams navigate complex challenges. Having a community like this to bounce ideas off of and on your side is the superpower one needs to make a great impact! Thank you to all who have been part of this transformative journey!"

Roli Saxena
CEO Nextroll

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